From , Blue poster Takralus:
For many of you, when someone asks, “What is best in life?” there’s only one answer: “To crush the newbs, see them driven before me, and read their lamentations on the forums” -- and we salute you.
There are a variety of ways to defeat your foes though, and we want know which of those you enjoy the most. (...)
(Blizzard posted the same on the US Forums Blue poster Lyllira )
Now I like my classics, be it cinematic (it's from the first Conan movie ) or historic (the 'original' quote is attributed to the bloody-fisted Ghengis Khan*) but I do think that Blizzard has crossed a line here.
The activity Blizzard extensively describes and endorses with ''we salute you'' is what most people call griefing: specifically targetting new players (newbs).
Griefing is the lowest of the low, an activity that only people who can't stand a fair fight engage in.
Considering the troubles this game's community has, I am frankly appalled that Blizzard actively endorses griefing, and does make people question Blizzard's motives, even with long-time players like me.
Is it Blizzard's ultimate dream that this game - targetted as a 12+ game - is only for bullies?
I truly hope not.
"The greatest pleasure is to vanquish your enemies and chase them before you, to rob them of their wealth and see those dear to them bathed in tears, to ride their horses and clasp to your bosom their wives and daughters." (Quite the role-model, indeed).