1. Do not rush through content. Savor it like a juicy steak that just came off the grill.
2. Do not stay up too late playing. You need your rest and you will enjoy the game more.
3. Do not yell at your significant other.
4. Do not complain on the forums. Give Blizzard a chance to patch in fixes.
5. Do not blow off your friends. If you made plans to go out, do not blow them off because you are stuck on a new quest on MOP.
6. Do not forgo showering, eating, chores, homework, time with the family, walking the dog, paying bills because of excessive MOP playtime. It will only make life harder.
7. Do not waste money on mats to power level your professions. You have plenty of time to gather mats and the prices will go down faster than a prom queen after a bottle of Bacardi.
8. Do not level multiple alts at once. Pick one toon and stick with it and get it to 90, otherwise you will wind up with a whole bunch of toons stuck in the mid-level grinding purgatory. And besides, you want a 90 on the server to help out your other toons.
9. Do not buy greens off the AH. You will get plenty while leveling up. That's like buying new floor mats for a car before you even picked out which car you want.
10. Last but not least - Raid but do NOT try to get world firsts. Take everything in moderation - Even World of Warcraft!
Hope this helps!