ok now b4 you go overboard this is not regarding a developmental standpoint. this is regarding the shabby way the forums seem to be ran.
first off i know that they cant monitor every single thread for language. but that being said shouldn't certain other words be added to the filter also if they are not going to monitor all threads.
such as calling a person an idiot. is this not a flagrant violation of posting, as it is a direct statement made at a person demeaning them.
do you think blizzard has become lax in the way they deal with said people. this is not directed at any specific soul. so if your goal is to come to this thread and troll it or even start a flame war. then don't bother cause i wont even respond to people like that.
what are also your thoughts on thread hijacking. all to often i see threads get started as a question of sorts and then someone says something and the thread goes into the realm of the unknown. i understand people will talk in a social setting but why not create an tread for that kinda thing instead of hijacking someone elses thread.