ok so ive been thinking about this for a while now and have decided to create this post mostly out of frustration to the way blizzard handles customer care
so ive decided to create a poll which i will put to blizzard at the end of the time allocated at the time at the bottom of the thread
i want to keep this as structured as possible so i urge you not to post if all you want is to aggravate the majority that wishes there problems would be handled with more than an apology, and a sympathetic excuse, i have no sympathy for this kind of response especially to a loyal customer.
so please reply to this thread with either a 1 or a 2
1 represents: you would like to see a significant improvement to customer care
2 represents: you are satisfied with the care you as a customer are recieving from blizzard
also include in your post what you think blizzard can do to add to the care service they provide atm
to get the ball rolling i am a 1 i think they could do alot more to help customers with questions they have about the game and also the automated service that they send out to people with tickets that are offiline