when blizzard announced that the only warchief that actually addressed the alliance problem was going to be the last boss of pandaria because he turned heel i was like WTF?
i asked myself "how come the coolest warchief and war hero was going to be turned into a bad guy whats the logic behind this?"
and then i saw a post about the pandarens introduction into the factions, and while in the alliance faction introduction u get ppl wondering about you varian talking about how allies do their stuff and a friendly spar, the horde faction introduction is a total smear against garrosh!.
first of all, when u are walking toward the drag after garrosh tells you he has a surprise for you or whatever theres a hint that he is a big racist and then when u get to the coliseum he releases a bunch of beasts at you. hinting that he does this stuff to everyone that wants to join the horde.
this speaks volumes to the length that blizz is gonna go to smear garrosh so the ppl are ok with alliance going into org and killing the horde faction leader at the end of pandaria. this is just wrong!