I am so tired of seeing this message when I try to make a new charactor. When you get it, odd are its a lvl 6 human toon that hasn't played in 3 years taken that name you want.
Is there anyway we can get these toons cleared up, I propose that any char lvl 20 or under *trial account max* after 6 months of neglect is auto eraced.
I'll admit this isnt the cleanest method of cleaning them up but its needed, it could be liminted to toons with less than 1k gold *bank alts* or only affect trial accounts.
The process doesnt matter that much as long as it makes it so I don't have to look up random words in japaneese when I want to make a new alt.
Oh and twinks, any toon with a heirloom is safe as long as you keep your account active,
I know how im going to get alot of trolling on how this is a horriable idea but instead of that, you could make sugestions to this instead because I know I'm not the only one tired of seeing that message.
I know this idea is really... rugged right now but im only one person, so dont waste your time trolling, ill know you didnt read it if you dont put this fish --> <>< in your trolling.