The gamemaster ******** is absolutely refusing to let me play. It is clear that this person does not want to render help which is fine. However this person is continuing to harass me in game to the point of forcing me to speak with them. I find their tone and attitude completely disrespectful and the harassment that I have encountered in the past hour from this company representative has forced me to quit the game as of today. I would like a refund since my leaving the game is due to the actions and harassment of one of your customer service representatives. I would like to further annotate that the last ticket was answered by the very gamemaster I was reporting. This behavior is very unprofessional. Above is the ticket I have submitted 3 times now via the website support system. The gamemaster continues to mark these as "resolved" even though my issue is with the gamemaster his/herself. Not only is the behavior by this gamemaster that spawned the ticket but the continuing closing of this ticket proves that his/her actions are against customer service policies. Below is the gamemaster's last response which once again shows that as soon as I logon I will be spammed by harassment by this gamemaster. Hello ****** - You are free to login whenever you choose, as your account is fully open and available to play. However, you will be contacted in-game by me regarding your petitions and the information I do need to share with you, and regardless of the amount of petitions you put in through the Support Site, this will not change. -SGM ******** The complete unprofessional and disrespectful and in this case harassing nature of the gamemaster department is deplorable and I would like it stop, however since I have no hope that this will be changed I merely would like to be left alone. I wish no more threatening or harassing emails from anyone in the Blizzard company. Please leave me alone. |