Stop homogenizing the healing specs for the sake of balance! Its really getting on my nerves that you are praising your universal "three heal system". Whatever happened to classes being different? What happened to druid tree form and HoTs? What happened to the powerful chain heal which gave shamans a unique ace up their sleeve? I'm sure there's more examples, but I've only played these two classes. To paladins who say they can't raid heal, I have seen a paladin heal a raid better than any other person on our realm, and that was in Wrath. Stack some haste, beacon a tank, and go to town with a flash of light spec. Its not hard. You don't need an AoE heal like all the other classes to heal multiple people. I swear, when I read the question about priests needing a raid cooldown heal, I couldn't stop thinking how crazy it is that people are ASKING for homogenization. I'm going to give some advice that I give to kids when they throw tantrums over what another kid has. Stop worrying about what another person has, and start enjoying what you DO have. Ridiculous. Simply ridiculous. And now I'm going to end this post on a crazy, too often seen demand. GIVE ME BACK MY TREE FORM!
If you agree with me, bump this thread up and we might bet some recognition. If you don't, if you feel that Blizz is doing right by the healing classes, then post a counter argument.