Is it just me? Or has anyone else noticed how utterly useless Game Masters and the rules they follow are?
"We can't tell you the outcome"
"There's nothing we can do"
"There are no rules against this action"
Ever hear these before in a completely unfair interaction with another player that you opened a ticket against? Where you're clearly in the right and the other player is just straight up wrong. I'm encountering more and more a-holes in this game that abuse the "rules" of the game, knowing that they're not going to have any action taken against them, while players like me who do follow the rules get laughed at and spit on.
And I already know the outcome of this thread. The trolls will feed heavily on this.
But I think it's time that Blizzard took better steps to start improving this game and stop catering to elitist jerks and actually pay attention to the entire gaming community, not just one portion of its players.
If all a Game Master is going to tell you, that they can't do anything. Then why are they in game?
If someone is going to call you racist, sexist or other such comments in game in general or trade chat and nothing happens. Why are Game Masters even being paid?
This is simply the beginning of a massive forum campaign to catalog every single flaw that Blizzard has allowed to survive for far too long.