Blizzard. You have dealt the final blow, to any Player vs Enemy content. Already releasing nerfs after the content has only been released for just over two months. This is beyond ridiculous, this game is slowly being casually crushed to a granule so that way casuals can 'face the content'. The casuals are very content with doing Looking for Raid, there was hundreds of posts, saying that they were content with the LFR System.
The is LFR there for a reason, for people to 'complete the content' as you worded it, the community is very, very happy with it. You even stated it yourself, the jump from Looking for Raid, to Normals is a big jump, and then from Normals to Heroics is an even greater jump. Yet you continue to diminish the whole aspect of progression. I was content, with the difficulty of the raids, especially hardmodes. Trying to compete with other guilds on our server, the whole aspect of the grind is now slowly being replaced because you are listening to the public screaming that the content is hard. To all the casuals, this is like Burning Crusade. There were no such things as nerfs, it was flat out progression. That's how the game was meant to be.
I don't want to imagine what the Mists of Pandaria will be like, it'll be exactly like the first two tiers of this expansion aswell, flooded with continuous nerfs.