wikass zabił Mythrax the Unraveler (Normal Uldir) po raz 2.     
kuturin zdobył 7th Legionnaire's Cuffs.     


petition to make old mounts unacquirable” wysłany:
Hey everyone,

Quick post here - Myself and all of my peers are super proud of our old epic meta achiev mounts, such as the icecrown frost wyrm, the ulduar proto-drake, the dark phoenix, corrupted eggs, etc etc.

We worked really hard to get mounts such as these back in the day, and they truly felt like a great reward to be proud of. We can't help but feel a little cheated nowadays though, as 2-3 people will little or no work or determination can go and solo icecrown and get a frost wyrm. In my opinion the old mounts have been cheapened and I no longer feel a sense of pride in mounting up on that ol' dragon, when I see 6-7 more of them around me by people who solo'd for them in a few hours the night before.

With so many new mounts always coming out, surely there is enough choice and opportunity for new players to get cool mounts, could blizzard please let us oldschoolers maintain a sense of our pride and effort by making the old meta mounts unacquireable, so that we can have something unique to show off and be proud of for our hours of raiding?

I think this would be a great implementation if it were to happen, with no real downside for anyone! Does anyone agree with me? /sign if you do!