This is a PvE post. It relates 100% to PVE. Undead racials are questionable at best in PvP but in PvE their racials are very subpar. In a world where we can change our professions at a drop of the hat to meet the most DPS, reforge and regem every item and pre-pot to gain the slightest advantage having a race that brings nothing to the table in PvE vs races that have abilities like Command, Blood frenzy, Berserking or any of the other excellent PvE cds that exist makes them a liability.
Please give forsaken some useful PvE racial ability.
Because their racials are so horrible in a raid environment that I cannot justify it to myself to play as one. They have no useful racials in a raid, fear is no longer a component of boss fights or if it is a tremor totem knocks the whole raid from it.
Underwater breathing sure is great in the underwater raids, I'll give you that. Essentially, if I'm not an Orc>Goblin>Troll then I am wasting the time of others. Please fix the undead to not be so horrible. |