man thats going to ruin the franchise because after all look what happened with EA when they released C&C4 with an "online" only not making it like the previous diablo games is only going to hurt legitimate players while it might hamper piracy all it will ultimately accomplish is lead to lower sales.they really need to rethink this idea before the finalized game is released or itll be just as big a bomb as any other single player games that required a constant internet just to install and play.
to be honest this time i think they should really listen to the players and change D3 into a non constant internet required game before its too late and it suffers the same fate as other game that were made this way
what is the deal here they sell players the authenticator as a means to feel more secure now they wanna make changes to it that takes the requirement to use it out of the hands of the players who bought it? i say if its not broke dont fix it i mena who thought up this idea? it sounds like something Budd cooked up,the authenticator was one the best lines of defense a player had because they would have to enter the random code to log say itll stil be secure becasue itll be tied into your homes PC IP number well whats to stop a hacker from creating a program that can mimic an IP and make the system think your still on your PC from another part of the world?
to this i say down with this idea let the players be in charge of their own PC security in this matter. |