Any news/info on how the ashran's reward system will work? or will it be like AV was in classic, reputations and honor gain?
dreaming here, but hoping to get my CP from here and never have to cap in arena/Rbgs ever again(allowing me to do CMs(after suffering LFR for gear) and Ashran. been wanting GW2 like pvp since i played it, or some sort of SS/TM type pvp.
For the purpose of these raids, just feel they are slightly overtuned in someplaces. Norushen for example. If everyone was the ilvl 500 you can queue at then this would be hard, sadly most think its too easy in their 540+ gear.
In lfr today, wow it was painful on my alts. Edit: oh and the amount of whining and people tellig each other they suck, new players run while you still can |