I have always loved the tauren. Even as someone who has played alliance since i first began, they always were the best looking race in wow and I thought they were a noble race too, but after doing the quest chain in the starting zone all the way up to the ashenvale quests I am really disgusted by this race. I no longer can play this toon because from what I have gathered they are a cowardly race. They claim to be all about love for nature yet they will openly go into the night elfs territory in a quest in ashevale and chop down their oak trees and kill the guardians that are trying to defend the forests. All because they dont have the testicular fortitude to stand up against the orcs.
I thought the orcs were bad but I have come to realize that the tauren are worse. They dont even have the backbone to stand up for their most sacred beliefs. And instead do the orcs bidding even if it goes against everything they claim to stand for. That is just sad and sickening from my viewpoint.
I have news for all you taurens out there. Your looks will only get you so far in this world. Your lack of loyality to your most sacred beliefs is disgusting at best and will destroy your entire race when it is all said and done.
Now I'm stuck going back to play the stupid alliance.