This question came to mind thanks to reading another thread in which there was PVP complaints about the Overpowered Guards protecting towns and Cities. Now I agree that we should not have the capacity as a single entity to walk into a town or city and be able to destroy it single handedly. But the feel I get from it now is that even the most skilled Player Character is no more capable or skilled than the average Guard patrolling Stormwind.
So the question is this, where do we as Player Characters, stand within the Lore? What are we to the major events within World of Warcraft? What is our level of importance? And where to we stand within the games 'power structure'?
I'm curious because as it stands from a with game perspective we don't seem to be worth much Lore wise. If we look back at recent Lore History player character importance seems to have been written out entirely, as far as the world is concerned The Lich King was stopped by TIRION FORDRING! *see small note at bottom of page in fine print* 'and a small band of heroes'. This persists even back through prior expansions, Illidan was taken down by Akama and Maiev according to Lore, Kil'jaden was the Shattered Sun Offensive and the Spirit of the Sunwell. Even in Vanilla, despite the massive effort by the various player bases to Open the Gates of Ahn'Qiraj, rather than have the Lore name one of the various Realm Firsts, or the World first as the Scarab Lord, they name some random Night Elf NPC. Well at least we got credit for taking down Nefarion and Onyxia, oh wait that's right we didn't Kill Nefarion and we got retconed out of being the ones to take down Onyxia by the comics so the Twin Wrynn's and his band of scrappy allies could have the honor.
These complaints of course lead me to my next question what is the importance of Player characters to Major events within the game's Lore? Is there ever going to be any in game acknowledgment of anything the players do? Or are we all just backdrops as far as the Lore is concerned, just 'random allies' that minorly assisted whatever Big name NPC happens to be in the area?
Which brings me to my final question, where do player characters stand within the Lore's Power Structure? Are we nothing more than slightly skilled mercenaries? Or are we meant to be Hero's of the Realm? If the Horde and Alliance weren't at War, could a 25 man raid be easily replaced by a couple dozen Soldiers out of rank and file and everything would be alright with the world again? What I want to know is are we truly epic warriors that are called upon to do the impossible to save the world and manage to pull it off? Or are we just backup's for the the 'Big Names' who only are needed because the REAL soldiers are busy fighting each other?
I don't think I'll get it but I hope that I get a Blue Post to respond to this, as I'd like to know not only everyone's opinion on where we stand, but Blizz's perspective on our characters role in the Lore as well.