With this new Kung Fu'esque atmosphere since MoP release, started wondering how many players actually study martial arts in real life? Have you ever studied any style seriously, be it boxing, tae kwon do, karate, kendo, aikido, ninjutsu, muay thai, capoeira, silat, hapkido, judo, etc? If so, what have you studied, for how long, and what school? Why did you stop?
*Edit* Forgot to toss in my own qualifications. Have studied tae kwon do first, spent around 3 years boxing, and am now studying Genbukan ninjutsu at the Seishin Warrior Center. Ninjutsu is comprised of many styles including taijutsu, ju-jutsu, kenjutsu, bojutsu, and several more which are also common in other styles like Kendo and Aikido, among a few more.