Why is tier 14 heroic gear required for progressing in normal Throne of Thunder? Anything after Jin'Rokh is tuned for item lvl 500 or more. The highest you can get from normals is 496. Most heroic raiders had about 510 before the patch and some normal mode only raiders barely had 490. As a result the elitist crew facerolled it and said it was loleasy while the rest are struggling.
My main has 3 522 pieces, one 502, some upgraded 496s and I'm still way below 500. Why should I farm LFR for months until I'm ready for normal mode? That's how long it is going to take with the current drop rate. Most players in my guild are even less geared even though they have more normal mode kills. I guess I'm not doing ToT with them anytime soon.
Clearing Ulduar hard modes wasn't required for entering Trial of the Crusader or even ICC.