Like the post says, this is a thread about waiting while in-game. It is something alot of us do. More recently, we do a lot more waiting. It was fine in previous times when I could alt-tab and wait for the chime of the BG or RF to announce that I should rejoin WOW and begin playing, but now, without the sound to notify me that its time to play, I have to shrink the window and actually spend some amount of energy paying attention to what is going on.
I don't appreciate this. I don't like being "forced" in a way to leave WOW running while I sit there and wait for the things I do in-game that actually keep me subbing to WOW.
Why, did Blizz feel that not letting players alt-tab while waiting for things to "happen" is a good idea?
^ Please disregard (I feel like an idiot) sound background was unchecked, keep up the good work Blizz