I have sometimes been wondering about this whenever people say "That mount is just everywhere" for example when I was static over getting my first drake (Bronze, of course) and whenever people show almost a destain for some mounts such as store mounts or normal vendor mounts.
Take for example the Ultraxion mount. Now, if there's an uglier mount out there, then it needs to be killed with fire and buried underneath a mountain. Yet a lot of people drool after it.
The Winged Guardian on the other hand is a very well animated mount with gorgeous effects and a /mountspecial to die for...and yet a lot of people /spit on it.
So, my question here really is...is the mount that you prefer to use rare? Or do you prefer a mount that's not rare at all but that you simply like the most anyways?
PS. Of course you can happen to prefer a mount that is rare because it tickles your fancy the most, no doubt about that.
I am sick of entering pugs and BGs having kids yelling "retaaaard!!" or "Idiot!!! L2P!!!" at each other all the time, dragging down the general attitude and making it less fun to play. Especially in BGs where you want to see if people are asking for help and thus not put the BG chat in a seperate window.
I am also appauled by the attitude of the players in this game. People in general must be bullies/extremely cruel/sad or/and lonely IRL. Seriously...how else would you be able to sink yourself to a level where you instantly call people you've never met "retard" or tell them they suck/are worthless....? Just because they're not moving their pixels the same way you are.... No, I believe Blizzard should put some effort into sorting things out. If people call other people retards, idiots, shout profanity in BGs/dungeons etc etc..basically everywhere that is not guild chat/whisper to friends, then there should be a 24 hour ban and if the behaviour is repeated then it's a PERMANENT ban....keeping this game fun and rewarding for us that want to enjoy it as a break from real life, not have it BE our real life, means sorting out the trollers/bullies that feel protected by their screens and anonymity.¨¨ I just came from a dungeon, after 40 minutes waiting time, where there were 3 guildies I believe. Instead of ressing the person that died, which would have been faster, they started shouting profanity and later kicking the dead player with the motivation: "Idiot"....I couldn't be bothered continuing a dungeon with that sort of players so I left, but this is the issue..the bullies and brats are so numerous that they can push well behaved players to the sides. 1. Put HARD punishment on using profane language openly. People can whisper and talk !%#! in their guild chat/with their friends all they like, but I for one don't pay to know how many times per day they use the word "retard" because they haven't been able to learn more useful and proper words at school. 2. Encourage having FUN with the "easier" game content rather than hurrying and being perfect in execution. People are clearly frustrated enough to be downright mean to others when things don't go the way they want in BGs or dungeons...it shouldn't be that level 15-58 dungeons are more fun and rewarding/forgiving than the endgame dungeons!! 3. Has it always been this way? I'm asking those that have been playing since TBC or Vanilla even...have players of this game always been this obnoxius and foul? What do you think? What's your opinion and what experiences do you have from different aspects of the game where you have to work with strangers? |
There's just so much QQ going on about this mount at the moment, before it's even released, that it should be considered rather pathetic really when you think about it.
1. There are plenty of cool, rare mounts already in the game. E-peen strokers have no shortage..well, in their pants..or brain..but not in rare stuff to feel shiningz on. 2. This mount uses an old model, the gryphon. I assure you all it will be bugged, small, look hideous for most races to sit on and just be forgotten in 3 days after release. I just cannot imagine a lion looking good with the movement animation that the gryphon has...LET'S HOPE they used the saber mount animation on ground at least! 3. IF it indeed looks better than the screens suggest, then so what? If you want a good looking mount that requires you to spend 2-12 hours in-game rather than outside it EARNING REAL MONEY and then spending it on whatever you like, then there are at least 5 mounts for you to pick and choose from...ICC raid mounts, Ulduar raid mounts, Cataclysm raid mount. There are also rare drakes you can farm with friends and hope you do not miss out when it finally drops.. Off you go! 4. People buying this mount have money. That suggests that they are in fact in most cases doing something a bit more worthwhile than sitting in front of a computer going "Omg prohaxl337 I/we just toally one-shot that shaman/boss and wtf is that healer/tank/dps doing he's retarded!!!!!" for hours on end.....it makes me laugh when kids say people buying this mount have more money than sense...how, exactly, is it worse having money than playing a game that is suitable from 12 years up, with plenty of the playerbase being younger...? 5. Get over yourselves, all you lot who try and down the mount, Blizzard or those buying the mount. It's a big game, lots of stuff to do, if a bunch of pixels sold for usage IN the game but without ADVANTAGES by Blizzard for real money upsets you that much then might I suggest you seek help? 6. This is Blizzard's game (mostly), they have every right taking it in any direction they'd like and personally, not being heavily involved and not allowing the game taking over my soul, I'd say it's a really nice gesture of them making nice stuff buyable and especially when they allow some of the money to go to charity (such as with the moonkin hatchling I believe?). Some people will no doubt be happy about this mount for years to come. Others stop using it eventually but it's the same really with anything in this game. Some people want stuff because they personally like it, others want it while it's somewhat shiny and new, some want it ONLY if it's shiny enough to spill some of that shine upon them....outside the AH...while fake AFK... When it comes down to it, it is coming, it will be part of the game and that's it. It will be around until the game dies, and my god...I wonder..what will the people that are the most upset do with their time then? When WoW is dead and they cannot QQ about it? Congratulations to everyone that are happy and will eventually buy this mount, I personally will wait until I see what it's like. To all the QQers/haters.../shoo. |