That was awesome! Not awesome in an 'epic' sense. Just awesome in a 'getting all tingly and excited about the upcoming patch' type of awesome.
I'm still enjoying Cata, although my enthusaism does wane from time to time, and I've been extremely patient in waiting for any news about Mists. In fact, part of me didn't want Mists to come too soon because I kind of enjoy the pre-expansion lull to get outside and do things or play other games, or finish up leveling that warlock, etc; especially with Summer coming.
But that 'A Night in Mists of Pandaria' really got to me. It got me really excited and after playing this game for 7 years that's kind of hard to do these days. Of special note from the article that make me want to play it NOW are listed here:
It sounds awesome. At this point I could take or leave pet battles but once I see it in action my mind could change on that. I've always only ever just dabbled in PvP but the game modes you're describing there sound interesing and fun and I'm definitely planning on getting in on some of that.
Overrall, great article. And thanks for continuing the great work you guys have been doing. Keep it up.