Now I know that most people don't agree with it, but if they do add this service, Blizzard will have to add more than just cross realm mailing\grouping to get my extra money.
What are some extra things that you think they might give you with this service?
Free Mobile Armory App?
Free Character Server Transfers?
Free Race Changes?
RAF without acutally recruiting a friend?
Some type of bonus leveling feature?
Free Mount and/or Pets?
A bigger main bag?
I don't think content is going to be included in the premium service, that is and in my opinion will always be free.
If I was able to do their pay per services they offer now for free with this premimum service I would consider paying extra. Maybe put a limit on race changes to every month?
So much negativity about this premimum thing, I want to see what they offer and how much it will be before I say complain about it.