Anyone figure out the bits on the 6th return of GetCompanionInfo for mounts? Maybe it was on old forum and lost in the changeover, but I can't find anything.
It seems to indicate what kind of mount it is. The second bit maybe 1 if it can fly, 0 if it can't.
Some examples:
12 0000 1100 Abyssal Seahorse
29 0001 1101 Seems to be a "standard" land mount
07 0000 0111 Seems to be a "standard" flying mount
31 0001 1111 headless horseman and x-51 nether rocket
There doesn't seem to be a change whether a mount is "slow" or "fast". Or at least on my lowbie a level 20 mount is 29, same as a slow or epic land mount on my 85.