First of all I’d like to say that SMF is still standing strong. We might be slightly behind TG and it isn’t going to get any better but later on in this thread I’ll be adding a lot of tricks and we’ll just pretend that TG warriors won’t read this thread and miss out on those.
First things first:
Spec is the default spec. In the current tier you want to lose 1 point in Rude Interruption and get 1/3 Blood Craze or 1/2 Die By The Sword. 2/2 Booming Voice beats 1/2 and 0/2 even with the set bonus on our tier.
Quite straightforward. Get

Stat priority: 8% hit > 26 Expertise > Strenght > Crit > 27% Hit > Haste > Mastery
As SMF has a lot less weapon damage than TG and doesn’t rely on RB damage mastery is our weakest stat. When reforging you’ll always want to do the following (after getting your yellow hit cap and soft expertise cap):
a) Reforge all mastery to crit. If the piece has crit on it reforge to hit.
b) Reforge all haste to crit. If the piece has crit on it reforge to hit.
Some add a “C” section to this which says that after this you want to reforge hit to crit but in practice this scenario doesn’t exist as every piece that’s left now should only have hit and crit on it. The only case in which it can happen is when you’re using a PvP weapon with hit and resilience but thank god Blizzard decided to itemize the current PvP onehanders with crit.
A note on the priority list is that hit becomes a matter of “feeling” after the 8%. I wouldn’t suggest going for crit over hit in every single case once you beat the soft cap. Out of experience I can say that my current 14% hit feels a ton more stable than the 9-10% I had about a month ago. There isn’t any real “magical” point where things go really smooth (even at 14+% hit I experience miss streaks). However things change pretty rapidly the higher hit you have. At 14% you can rest quite assured that 3 miss-streaks will only occur a couple of times in a fight at worst.
Gemming is pretty simple too:
Red sockets ->

Yellow sockets ->

Blue sockets ->

Meta gem ->

In the current tier you want to get hold of 2

Ideally you’ll be using chest, legs, gloves and shoulders as tier items and getting the helm from Alysrazor as offset piece. Realistically though it’s mostly going to depend on which bosses you’re killing first. In the end you want to do maximum damage WHILE progressing so waiting for items that might drop in 4 weeks is only going to hold you back. The entire “BIS” discussion is kind of pointless and you should pretty much rely on the size of the upgrade compared to the others that want the item.
The “bis” set can be found at
Trinkets have been discussed quite a lot without any real definate conclusion but the list is pretty much like this:





Apparatus WILL beat License to Slay if you’re good enough at timing it properly and surely will outperform it on any fight with a modified damage % phase or burst phase (think magmaw/alysrazor/ryolith phase 2/..)