Really. I don't get it.
Usually, those of you who are "mad" about it are people who do guild runs anyway. This means the buff won't even apply to you. Your gaming experience doesn't change.
I'm convinced the people who think the buff is a bad idea are people who
A) Have never/seldom done a heroic PuG
B) Are extremely lucky with their groups
C) Arrogant elitist jerks with good guilds who don't want casuals succeeding in heroics.
A is a bad reason since it relies on ignorance.
B is a bad reason because not everyone is lucky.
C is a bad reason because no one likes arrogant elitist jerks.
For those of you who want a harder heroic, you can still have it with your guild.
For those of you who want to be able to queue for something and not have some 50% chance at success due to getting a group full of inexperienced players, you have a better chance now.
I really don't see why people would complain.