I have been having this thought in my head for a very long time. And this is a problem in my guild.
My currenly specs is a PVP build and a PVE build and i have 2x monster Ui's in the different type of specs. The problem is now that my guild needs a tank and I would love to become a tank but on the other hand I dont want to give up the time I have spent doing the Ui or one of the specs that im currently playing alot.
Triple specs would offer even more flexibility to play the class in whatever way is possible. I would be able to switch between my pvp, tank, and pve role in a single instance / raid /battlegound . Not just me, everyone would have the same amazing flexibility. While each class right now has at least two specs that can really shine in specific situations, triple specs would allow three-role hybrids to become amazingly powerful characters tho.
Of course, some might see that as a reason not to allow triple specs. I'm sure that thought has crossed the minds of the devs and other players as well. After all, if you can do everything under the sun with your one Paladin, why play a Warlock In Plate Death Knight?