I would like to urge everyone who believes as I do, that the Heroic (read as Hard Mode) dungeons in Cataclysm should be nerfed, to join me in cancelling our accounts.
The step from regular to heroic is nonsensical. If you are not one of the lead systems designer's over-powered pet classes it is unlikely that you will be able to generate enough DPS to survive a heroic boss encounter.
Of course better gear will help; but, it is only obtainable in the heroic encounters or as PVP rewards. In a couple of months, perhaps crafted epic gear will be widely available. The new hard mode heroics will still require you to stand in front of beams or avoid tornadoes or other similar nonsense. Absolute folderol if you happen to be a caster. ("You want my Moonkin to do what?!?")
Perhaps if enough of us cancel, the VP of Finances will be able to put an end to the wrong-headed mindset and persuade the lead systems designers that their "cruel and unusual" dungeons be revamped.
Maybe many of the systems designers could be made to tank and heal the heroic dungeons on various servers to eliminate the almost 1 hour long queues!
Wishful thinking? Join our little financial revolution and let's see!