Title is a bit sarcastic. The question I have is that out of the 26pages thread questions only 1 answer page is being produced. Whats up with that?
I do understand blizz cant answer every (little petty) thing, but hell just a 1 page answer lol...
Going the right way (imo) but with too little employees?
Wrong management?
Wrong input? EDIT: with this I mean player input
Too many input? EDIT: too handle at the same time by the devs
So our guild got reported (Syndrome of a down) and we have to come up with 4 names from which blizz choses 1.
I simply cannot understand why this name would offend people. I think its an oldfashioned and narrowminded mindset to report such a name, please come forward and let me know why in gods name such a guildname is being reported. The guys in the guild never posted in an offensive way or made a thread which can be seen as offensive, racial, relegious etc etc etc. Comon people what drives you to move to report a harmless guildname to be reported? What is offending when you are just reffering to a bands name and not to people that have a chromosome too many? Damn |
/chicken on a human female makes me laugh so hard I almost fall off my seat.
Lol, why even bother to get replies in blue when u see replies in these "very important" topics http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/1622897406?page=3#new-post sad rly |