This might have been discussed before but I haven't seen it recently so I thought I'd try start a constructive discussion to help new and returning players find solid arena partners.
Obviously the aim here is to avoid the long and laborious process that is searching in trade, finding partners that play with you for a few games and if you make a mistake you never hear from them again.
I myself am guilty of this I'll hold my hands up now.
Now I'm not a new player I've played since Vanilla but over time all my friends have quit and I've had to make new ones. I don't find this difficult at all however I do find Skype conversations (especially with people who don't have great English skills) quite awkward to begin with.
Once I'm over that its great.
So! On topic: How do you guys find new 'solid' arena partners? I realise that this problem will be partially taken care of with the removal of teams & implementation of cross realm arena but still, new players will want some ideas.
For example after returning to the game recently I have few friends on my realm but all of them have teams. My guild was my own with only a couple of friends in so I realised that had to change and I had to get out and meet new players.
After browsing the forums I thought the members of ride till i die (btw its til not till) were hilarious and wanted to join for a while. As soon as I join I have access to a whole host of new players who I know are interested in pvp and have a fun attitude.
Now I won't bore you any further with my story but that's just an example. Even if you're working at getting 1550 or something the key is to keep pushing yourself and try not to turn any offers down for playing some arena.
Some might be terrible but you might just find someone with real potential.
If anyone has other ideas feel free to throw them in.
This isn't a QQ thread as I've not even logged on to live with 5.3 in effect yet but I thought this last season too why on earth do ferals get immunity to roots I just can't understand the reasoning behind it.
They took it off them before gave them dash + stamp roar out of roots, then reverted it but kept the dash & stamp roar? Can anyone shed any light on this? |