as there is no blue response in EU and only in the US and as I cannot comment there I do it here.
I'm reading a lot that you are working in more crz communication. That you MAYBE in the future will enable us to ignore the players from other realms, improve communication etc. etc. And I read a lot "please be patient".
Why should I be patient? You have put this desaster in it's full glory (only since 1 week basically every zone on my realm is crz) live just days before the new expansion. And all my excitement is gone. I even know friends that logged on after a couple of months absense and logged right off again.
I actually do NOT care about rare spawns (I have those I really want), nodes (I have luckily gathered the stuff I need for Mop before all that) or the economy (I have sufficient G). But I'm very very SAD that you have brought the mob of LFR and LFG to my realm without given me the chance to do anything about that. I have no choice. You took my realm away from me and further unpersonalized the experience. I'm not gonna wait even a couple of week for this to be "fixed" (and I doubt it can be fixed/adjusted in that time frame) and I doubt that even MoP can make me (and I suppose others) forget about this...
How could you put this live just before the expansion and have no plan B? It's such a basic part games experience you have changed here and there is no choice for your users but accept it or leave wow. Guess what - I'm not gonna accept this.