since the RBG's poped up im thinking about the same thing! blizz gave to pvpers another option to play and gain conquest, ratings and gear other than 2v2, 3v3, 5v5! on the other hand there is the fun side of duels where it is 1v1! my suggestion is to bring that as an arena 1v1 option and give ppl more choices in to how they want to play their game to gain their pvp gear, achi and ratings! many good players sometimes have a hard time on finding a good partner and arrange everything in order to get what they want from pvp so why not give them the 1v1 rated games option?! i would love to do some 1v1 rated games see what i can succeed on my own and get better, have fun and enjoy playing through that!! i hope u ppl like and support my idea and make something good out of it! Thank You!