There are too many CC spells in this game. What's even more annoying is that many of them are instant and once you get CC'd - you're in for a long and thrilling "can't do that" chain-CC experience.
Sure we need CC in the game. Without it it would've been too hack'n'slashy and one-dimensional, but being unable to control your character for ages (seconds do feel like ages in PvP) is not fun.
Defensive dispels being nerfed with a 8 second cooldown added quite some oil into the fire as well. The argument was "we don't feel like spamming dispel was fun" and I actually agree here. It probably wasn't. But being unable to actually play is most likley even less fun.
What I think might be a good start is to do one of the following:
1. Reduce the cooldown on PvP Trinkets to 1 min;
2. Defensive dispel cooldown reduced to 4 sec cooldown;
3. Broader diminishing returns;
4. Plain 1-2 sec nerf to CC duration.
Someone probably has a different view or better ideas, so feel free to discuss.