To start, thank you flamers, yes I know "I should have known...blahblah" "get cata and get over it" so dont worry about posting it.
Anyway, I upgraded to the 10 day cata trial 11 days ago and changed my rogue to a worgen and was having a blast questing up to 1 xp under 81 and ganking horde all day while waiting on 30 min dungeon queves. After awhile I made a few worgen alts to test out the starter zone and once again was having a blast.
Well yesterday I wanted to go ahead and race change another alt to a worgen so I paid the 25 dollars etc...and my trial ran out a few hours before I did so >.> and all of my toons that were worgens are now frozen with gold BoAs etc.. I can kinda understand the new worgen I made getting froze but I wouldn't think the 80 I race changed would be, and there was no warning beforehand it would be.
TL:DR Blizzard would you mind adding a "Note: Any characters using the new models ex. Worgen and Goblin will be frozen after the 10 day trial"?
And I plan on upgrading and getting my toons back, and using the 25$ I paid for my alts worgen race change to go towards that upgrade (because im stingy like that)