I have a problem with a guy who is kind of obsessed with me, so I quit my old account and made a whole new one, boosted this DK and started over. Anyway, he used an add-on to track my achievements and then used MVP priveleges to cross check all the accounts I'd used to post on the forum and found this character (I used the name on an old character, but never knew he could check all my chars using the forums). Anyway, he whispered me last night saying he knew it was me, and I thought a blue must've given him my info (he actually tried to get my rl contact info from a blue too). Anyway, I replied, because I thought he found me and I was so angry that the blues had told him who I was, but it turns out he used these add-ons, and I've wasted so much money and hours of effort trying to get rid of him. Now he has found me again and knows my char. He says he won't bother me anymore, but I still don't want him knowing how to find me or know who I am, so how can I stop him? Is quitting this game really the only way to hide from him?