Alright, I've read a lot of information about what's going to happen with the item squish, and I realize that the goal is to make it so that max level characters can still solo old instances. My question is about doing old-world raids at appropriate levels. Will we still be able to complete a raid of Black Temple at level 70 (with a full 25 man group), or will the item squish make that impossible?
It also seems as if the item squish will allow them to "set" the difficulty of old world raids, which is something I really don't like. I like the thought of, as I gear up doing the raid tiers at level 100, the old raids getting easier and easier -- it should be MUCH easier to solo, say, Firelands Ragnaros at level 100 than it is at 90; but doing it at 90 should, in my opinion, even after the expansion, be just as easy as it is doing it NOW at 90. With them making it so that we can solo old raids with a "buff", they'll be able to finely control how easy it is to solo an old raid at specific levels, rather than just letting us steamroll it.
Thoughts (and maybe a blue post comment :) )?
It also seems as if the item squish will allow them to "set" the difficulty of old world raids, which is something I really don't like. I like the thought of, as I gear up doing the raid tiers at level 100, the old raids getting easier and easier -- it should be MUCH easier to solo, say, Firelands Ragnaros at level 100 than it is at 90; but doing it at 90 should, in my opinion, even after the expansion, be just as easy as it is doing it NOW at 90. With them making it so that we can solo old raids with a "buff", they'll be able to finely control how easy it is to solo an old raid at specific levels, rather than just letting us steamroll it.
Thoughts (and maybe a blue post comment :) )?