It's a simple as that. Nope didn't play beta because when I did try it was impossible to get anything done. I gave up on it when lag never improved early on, or when you couldn't do quests because of people being douches, sitting on quest givers so you couldn't get or turn in quest. Plus I just didn't want to play it. Nope didn't read up on it, I just like to play. Even still, that doesn't change the fact that if i had read about it, I wouldn't have been happy. Reading about it and experiencing what they have done is two different things. And even if I had given feedback and said this is a bad idea, when have you ever known companies like blizz to change their minds because of it? I could have complained early and still been ignored.
It all still boils down to one simple fact; If I had wanted a new game, I would have gone out and bought a new game.
Tweaking, adding new content, or improving is one thing. This has changed it so much that it doesn't feel like the game I liked. I've been through the other patches and have not liked things before, never really complained, and never quit over it. This one is different.
I keep also reading, just play the game for the next month, it'll give you time to get used to it, and then see how MoP plays. One I don't like it now, and won't be playing it. Two why the hell would I buy MoP when I'm so unhappy with the patch? And three why should I have to get used to it? I liked and enjoyed it before.
Flame away, i don't care just as much as you don't care that I don't like it. You have the right to like it, and I have the right to voice my dislike of it.