Hello everyone:)
Im not even sure how to start this thread, since im not so good with words and explaining myself..
Let's just say that my journey with World of Warcraft has ended, and the reason for that is non stop bullying and verbal abuse.
Im not going to get into details..because i dont want it to be a whine thread and im not looking for any symphaty either:)
All I am asking you - World of Warcraft players.. If you see anyone being bullied...or abused, or made fun of either in trade chat, dungeons, guilds, Bg's... Please dont just stay quiet and ignore. Help the ones in need.
We are not all that strong to stand up for ourselves, specially if you get constant bullying in real life too.
Im sure you are all thinking "just /ignore those people etc".
Well its not really that easy, things have been said and things have been done and /ignore doesnt really take away all that has happened. Plus it wont really stop those "experienced bullies".
I guess it really makes me a weak person for quitting over this, but ..
Last thing i want to say is that I wish you all nice holidays and happy gaming:) I hope that the experience is /will be nicer for you than it was for me:) And I want to thank Blizzard for developing this epic game :) (i still think so yes)
I probably wont read any of the replies, for the same reason i started this thread...so feel free to discuss what you have in mind.