I've been playing a new character for the past few days and I've come to the conclusion that questing is completely useless.
Here's what questing gets you:
-Sub-optimal exp gains
-runs after runs after runs back to your corpse after being ganked by someone of the opposite faction
-Crappy gear that 15 minutes in an instance can replace.
no matter where you are, what level you are, or what zone you are in (except for friendly zones) you WILL be ganked by the enemy. Because of the new-ish cross-realm zones, there are many more players in each zone. Now this isn't so bad. Sure, there are less mobs to kill when there's alot of players, but there are also many lvl 90's who like to gank. Now I understand that I am playing on a PvP server and that's what happens, but being ganked every 2 minutes makes the game unplayable.
Now I know that Blizz won't change anything about this because they don't actually care about the game experience anymore, but its just something that's been pissing on me for the past few days. I no longer do quests, instead, I just wait in Stormwind for my dungeon que to be up and do the same instances over and over.