The following API issue has, as far as I can tell, been introduced in 4.0:
The UpdateMapHighlight method does not return any data for the following map highlights on the Continent maps:
- Darnassus
- Orgrimmar
- Ruins of Gilneas
- Stormwind City
- Dalaran
- Deepholm
- Kezan
- The Lost Isles
- The Maelstrom
For all other map highlights, UpdateMapHighlight works OK.
Thanks for looking into this, would really help solving some issues in an add-on library :-)
I am not sure whether this is the right place to post this as I think the problem can only be fixed by Blizzard...
Anyway, I have found that the GetRealZoneText API method does not always return the correct value for several subzones that were introduced with Cataclysm. Some examples I have found so far: - When in Quel'Dormir Terrace or Nar'shola Terrace, "Ruins of Vashj'ir" is returned instead of "Shimmering Expanse". However, when in Quel'Dormir Gardens, another subzone of the Ruins of Vasj'ir, GetRealZoneText correctly returns "Shimmering Expanse". - When in Abyssal Maw, GetRealZoneText returns "Abyssal Breach" instead of "Abyssal Depths". - A bit closer to home: in Orgrimmar, in the Valley of Wisdom, the Inn is called "Miwana's Longhouse". When you're inside (or on top of) this building, GetRealZoneText returns "Miwana's Longhouse" instead of "Orgrimmar". I checked a few other buildings, like the Hall of the Brave, and in these locations the correct zone name is returned. In fact, these findings suggest that GetRealZoneText's return value should be checked for all subzones and sub-subzones introduced in 4.0 and later. Does anyone know how to get an issue like this to be picked up by Blizzard? Thanks! |