So, how poisons used to work was that you placed it on your weapon, and it was shown as a temporary weapon enchantment. You could switch between weapons and the poison would remain on the weapon you placed it on for as long as it's duration continues.
Now, how ever, poisons are more like a buff. If you change weapons the buff will disappear, and if you then put them back on the poison will be gone and you will have to reapply. Not the biggest issue since there only are a few poisons now days, but it does come with some issues, which is why I make this thread.
When I go fishing, I've to switch away from my weapons. So, if someone jumps me while I am fishing I will have to switch back to my weapons to counter them, as it has always been. How ever, since of the change of poisons, I will end up having no poisons at all.
Fighting a warrior without the advantage of opener is hard as it is, without poisons there is only the option of running for your life left, my damage simply wont be enough.
Naturally, I could just completely skip using a special fishing rod and just press Fishing and use the random one you're given, but that doesn't seem all that fair? Why should we have to do this due to a faulty game mechanic.
Anyhow, that's it. I hope it's only an oversight by blizzard - since it is a rather small thing, and that it will be corrected soon.