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Create your own raidboss” wysłany:
I like throne of the thunderking so far, there was a nice build up and i was/am anxious to see Lei Shen. Some fights in there feel familliar i have to say, offcourse there are only "that" much options on designing fights but now i'm curious how you would design a raid boss, what abilities you would give him, what strategy would be needed, perhaps what lore lies behind him/her/it.

I'll go first !

(I'm not that ehmm good with lore perhaps and stuff but i'll try to paint a basic picture)

MoP for me is a pretty "spiritual" expansion with getting in touch with energies and nature and stuff so for me perhaps an interesting boss would be some energy cloud that would be released and would take possession of a random raidmember. That raidmember will become the boss. Perhaps it could be a mechanism like in the piramides in egypt where secret traps are hidden in the pyramide. This could be a mechanism that can be triggered and the could will be released. This raidboss would be very unpredictable because he'll get abilities/specs based on the class AND spec he possesses. (perhaps because of the unpredictable nature of this boss it should be an "optional" boss.
Offcourse the fight would have to be tuned as a single tank fight since your tank could become the one possessed.

As far as abilities go i'dd give the boss a few standard abilities comming back nomather what class it possesses like (since it's based on the "traps" in pyramides) sliding floor during some phazes (squares moving) with some squares are open holes wher one can fall in and die in the bottom of the pit because of "evil energy smoke thingy)

another ability could be an ability that uses the "energy" to temporarely rez a random boss you've killed in the raid (offcourse with minimized abilities and skill)
this rezzed boss should be nuked down asap and slowed because it would focus on the healers for example.

mm let's stick with the "pyramide" theory and include and ability that will engage a mechanism that will make huge maces or ehmm well my engish ain't that good so i can't find the right words but it should trigger like some huge maces swinging through the room, you should tank the boss in front of it and it'll put a debuff on the boss making him/her take increased dmg for xx amount of time.

for the rest i'dd say the boss should take over some of the abilities of the possessed class/spec so the fight would become well you'dd have to know like 20 different strategies for this boss since every class will do random things.

I'll think some more about different bosses but i'm interested in your creative ideas and suggestions !
Just wondering, I've rescued Marshall Windsor countless times and yet he kept getting caught i presume cause i had to free him over and over again... but not so long ago i ran BRD a few times while leveling and we never freed him. So i'm wondering, is he still rotting in the jail down there?
That kept me thinking about other ones like Corki, Freeing knot with the Gordok Shackle Key, Emi Shortfuse that you help in gnomeregan to blow up the tunnels...
What happened to them ! did they pass away or are they enjoying their retirement somewhere in a shack near a lake?
who else do you remember well escorting or saving..?