What I've experienced so far in this season can be listed in numerous points, and has unfortunately made me quit the game as it is now. I'm going to list these below:
#1: 150k+ crits on full resilience targets
- This, has been seen by mostly BM hunters using Stampede, usually bursting someone down in a matter of mini seconds. And no, this is not exageration.
- This is a short one. I met a Rogue, Hunter and a Holy Paladin comp last night at around 2k~mmr in 3s, they managed to drop my DK, my Warrior and myself to 10% almost spiking every second between us, leading to us actually being dead within 15 seconds. This isn't right.
- This is a topic that needs to be adressed swiftly and dealt with. I'm seeing classes who has too much damage, and ontop of that an ability to lock down players for more than half the time needed to execute a target within this expansion. The classes who needs to be looked at and dealt with are these:
#4 Too much damage in general
- I've probably repeated this a few times, but there's way too much burst damage in the game, and it needs to be sorted. Resilience will not fix this.
#5 Too much healing at times
- Whereas healing is not always too much, I fear every class' burst healing is needed because of the damage in the game and the control that comes with it. This also needs to be adressed with what I adressed earlier with smaller vallues and easier to accordingly fix.
#6 Too much burst healing and damage
- Felt like I needed to repeat this. See #5, #4, #3, #2 and #1 for more information.
#7 Too many spells to give or a take in arena battles
- Over the time, where arenas started in The Burning Crusade, we didn't really have alot of spells to choose from, which made every class unique and very limited. This isn't a problem anymore as every class and their mothers seem to have a spell for everything and even the things we do not need. There's too many spells, and too many things to counter these spells.
- In short, there's too god damn many excess spells we do not need around and is basicly just a filler to make everything look shiny for casual players. Infuriating.
#8 Dispel not working properly
- With dispel on friendly targets having a cooldown and on enemy targets not having one, I can't feel anything else but wanting to have this being opposite, am I the only one thinking this way? With all the control and the debuffs in the game at the moment, maybe what we need is purge and the equivalence on cooldown.
#9 Diminishing Returns
- This, is the most annoying topic of all of them. The diminishing returns in this game as it is right now is downright pathetic, and it's not getting better. Having spells that gets you controlled up to 30+ seconds is not really anywhere near balanced as killing off a target from 100 -> 0% takes less than 4-5 seconds for the average player.