For people that don't know the prices for the rep mounts are going up substantially from 5k to around 40k / 50k. I find this change very unreasonable and not needed. Hopefully this isn't intentional, but right now would be the best time to provide feedback on this change.
Personally I'd like to see if this is intentional and if it is... why? For example the 50,000 gold hippo mount costs 50,000 gold for no reason other then to cost 50k - are these mounts getting this same treatment? At least if something's going to cost so much make it truly unique (double seater mount, has a vendor, etc.) just not some reskin.
Reputation mounts that will go up in price (Warlords of Draenor):
Trading Post:
Ironside Warwolf - Laughing Skull (horde)
Armored Irontusk - Sha'tari defense (Alliance)
Shadowmoon valley / Frostfire ridge:
Dusty Rockhide - Council of Exarchs (Alliance)
Swift Frostwolf - Frostwolf Orcs (horde)
Breezestrider Stallion Vol'jin's Spear (horde)
Pale Thorngrazer - Wrynn's Vanguard (alliance)
Shadowmane Charger - Arrakoa Outcasts
Domesticated Razorback - Steamwheedle "Preservation" Society
How much is the price increase in total? Let's assume you only play one faction (alliance or horde). Instead of paying only 25,000 gold for all reputation related mounts you will now be paying somewhere around 200,000 gold to 250,000 gold. If you play Horde and alliance you'll be paying around 150,000 more gold instead of just 15k more. The amount of apexis crystals still stay the same (around 25,000 crystals for one faction or 40,000 crystals for both factions).
Armored Iron Tusk - from 5k gold to approximately 50k (example of one)
Personally I'd like to see if this is intentional and if it is... why? For example the 50,000 gold hippo mount costs 50,000 gold for no reason other then to cost 50k - are these mounts getting this same treatment? At least if something's going to cost so much make it truly unique (double seater mount, has a vendor, etc.) just not some reskin.
Reputation mounts that will go up in price (Warlords of Draenor):
Trading Post:

Shadowmoon valley / Frostfire ridge:



How much is the price increase in total? Let's assume you only play one faction (alliance or horde). Instead of paying only 25,000 gold for all reputation related mounts you will now be paying somewhere around 200,000 gold to 250,000 gold. If you play Horde and alliance you'll be paying around 150,000 more gold instead of just 15k more. The amount of apexis crystals still stay the same (around 25,000 crystals for one faction or 40,000 crystals for both factions).
Armored Iron Tusk - from 5k gold to approximately 50k (example of one)