"The first two Scenarios (one for Horde and one for Alliance) are coming with 5.0.4, but they won’t be enabled until a few weeks before the Mists of Pandaria expansion release. Keep an eye on the front page of this blog for more info."
Quoted from: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/blog/7045643
So basically, all you're implementing on Tuesday is the pre-patch changes, but not the pre-patch world event? No offense, but WTH? I do not understand why you would do this. We're a month out of the expansion - and that "other MMO" is coming out on Tuesday...which = lots of new and different things to do (because it's a diff game, but whatevs) and you decide you're going to drop the pre-patch on the same day (no surprise there), but you then decide to not give us even a small scrap of something NEW to do?? Because, I'm sorry, but changing the way my class plays is something I don't REALLY refigure out until I'm leveling; not during pre-patch. FYI - 8/28 IS a few weeks before the expansion as the word "few" means 3-5. Just sayin.
Am I the only one that noticed?
edited for: elongation of my rant.