I was in WSG late last night and we got pwned as hell by several 5 DK's who were running around DG'ing spamming howling blast to oneshot us all. One guy was in control, multiboxing with a total of 5 DK's. This made it impossible for us to actually do anything at all in the WSG match so I got pissed and made a ticket to report this issue. I'm shocked to see that my answer is that Multiboxing is not against Terms of Use and therefore allowed. I mean.. Really? Is it okai to cheat like that?.... C'mon..
Wanted to inform you about multiboxing.
5 Death Knights mulitboxed in Warsong Gulch 13th January at 03:55-04:01.
"Main player" was <snip> from <snip> server.
Followers were:
Got screenshot incase you want to see it.
These multiboxers made it impossible for us horde to win as they could just Death Grip us and spam Howling Blast x5.
Answer from GM:
Game Master (GM) Response:
Greetings Niax,
You are receiving this mail in response to the help petition which you submitted regarding the controlling of more characters by the same person.
Thank you for this report. We can assuare you that we will investigate this thoroughly. Please be aware that the definition of a non-controlled character is a player who is using a third party program to automate the actions of their character. The characters that you are describing, are most likely being played by a single person controlling several characters with one keyboard, which is also known as Multi Boxing. If this is done without any third party means, this is not against the Terms of Use.
If you have any questions regarding the terms of use, you will find them at http://wow-europe.com/en/legal
rest is goodbye stuff from the GM...
I mean, please dont say Multiboxing is allowed... Jesus