Blizzard has currently done everything they can, pouring tons of resources and money into making a system that allowed cross realm, guilds and servers.
People are stuck on ether a dead server or a server with a queue of two hour.
How to solve this you ask?
Well here we go, this conclusion will blow your brains out, it took me years of thinking, but I think I finally know how it can be solved!
Are you ready!?
Make paid character transfers free already
But that won't happen, because blizzard is making a ton of $$$ from it.
For this reason they are driving there own game trough the ground.
The resources they put into making cross realm guilds would have been better if put into a creating a automated transfer system.
What do you guys think? would free char transfer solve these issue?
I'm currently not satisfied with the way blizzard is handling the servers dying out.
My server (Trollbane) currently has 30 players playing on it. 30 players on a MMO server, that's just sad for any MMO. When a server is dead, it needs to close down and transfer those existing characters to a more populated realm. Instead it's "50% off to get away from your dead servers" I'd like that idea but here's the problem, I payed 80 euro's some time ago to get my characters on Trollbane because Dentag was slowly dying out. Pay you more are you kidding me? how about a refund? In order to progress in the game in my current Ilvl I'm literally forced to pay blizzard money because they won't acknowledge dead server exist, nor do they do anything about it. I'm sorry I din't read the fine print where it said, "if you hit the cap you need to pay more to keep playing WoW." --------------- Apologies for the rant, this has bee bothering me ever since my server died out. |