If you start a thread asking about other people's experiences that lead them to leave guilds, while describing your own experience AND refraining from mentioning any specifics that would fall under name and shame (heck, I even picked my shadow character that isn't even on the same realm as my former guild), Blizzard will STILL delete the post.
Would it be too much for a private message sent to the user explaining why, or at least just locking the thread with someone saying "I'm locking the thread and this is why" post, like you see on many other forums? Just POOF and its gone, doesn't really help the forum.
I could have named and shamed, but I didn't. Knew it was against the rules. I'd like to know how what I posted WAS against the rules. The smacking the child upside the head for a transgression with no explanation why routine is not a good way of parenting, nor is it a good tool for forum moderation, which let's face it, can be an awful lot like parenting.
I'm not mad - just.......confused.