I just had an earlier thread deleted, so I'd like to try again.
My issue is that there are some servers that have a lot of players that don't speak English. Mine isn't one of them, but there are a several, from my understanding.
I was recently placed into a Dungeon Finder group where three of the players were from guildmates from one server, and couldn't speak English. We had some wipes, and it was impossible to communicate with the other players to establish a strategy. The end result was more wipes, and finally dropping from the group.
The new Dungeon Finder feature tries to put people from the same server into the same DF groups. With this, it is foreseeable that the problem of being placed into a group with 3-4 people who don't speak English (although, on the flip side, 3-4 people may speak the same non-English language).
Now, I understand that the last post was going places that might be construed as racist or disparaging to other players, but I honestly want to know what people think of this. Personally, I dislike it when I'm in a social game that requires communication and coordination, and I can't communicate to coordinate with 3-4 other people in the group.
And whoever deleted the previous thread, I'd love an explanation from Blizzard's perspective, instead of ignoring the issue entirely. I'm not the only one who feels that it's unfair to put English player from a US server into groups where you're unable to interact meaningfully with the other players, especially in the post-Cataclysm world where communication and strategy has become even more important than how much DPS a player can do.