sorry to make another topic but the old one its closed so i cant post there my question. i hope this will be sticky too and all players who didnt get question in the old post will put them here.
question: when holy spec for paladins will be take in consideration ? when they will recive any fix /redesign for the spell/talent?
1. holy paladin mastery - useless right now need redesign
2. holy paladin ultimate spell talent tree - useless right now need redesign
3. no repetitive cooldowns to avoid cc - so after buble/aura mastery/trinket at +2k rated 3s or 5s arena games holy paladins are in cc for ever.
4. lack of mobility
5. lack of cc other targets
6. lack of intrerupt other casters in range (NOT melee - what healer run 40y to silence that incoming mb ? or that ciclone ? i dont think so)
thanks for your time.