I believe Blizzard's reasonings for not implementing this is outdated. There's far too many benefits for using real-id atm to simply disable it.
Everyone has the need and right for privacy at times. I do not like to share everything with everyone at all times.
When I sit in my bathroom, taking a dump, I do not want people to know where I'm at and what I'm doing. The same way, when I'm engaging in (perhaps) secret hobbies in WoW, I'd like them not to know. I enjoy having secret alts, and I enjoy having privacy.
I don't wanna go through the trouble of explaining everything to everyone, each time I need some privacy.
Sometimes I mute my phone or even turn it off. Sometimes I don't appear in the Facebook chat. I don't see why this should be any different.
Add some form of penalty to being appear offline to prevent the issue of everyone using it at all times, to lurk in the shadows.
Like for example: Can't see your friends being online, can't talk to anyone, can't invite anyone from real-id list.
Maybe they should even just add an option to log off real-id.
I feel this is a gamebreaking issue.. I should be able to play the game of my choice also when I feel like having an alone day.
I have kind friends that I care about, on my real-id list. I do enjoy having them there, so disabling it is not an option - especially since I'm not on the same server as every one of them.
For people with social issues (like myself), this problem is rather major.. It's something I feel struck by way too often.
I'm aware of blue posts on this, but as stated before, I feel like their reasoning is outdated more and more - as new real-id benefits gets added.
It's not much of an option not to use it anymore. I don't wish to be a total loner because of my need for privacy.
Anyone else feel the same?
Can we get a blue (Oh wait, this is EU)?